We sell fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables in our headquarters in Verona Mercato.
Fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables available at wholesale inside the Agricultural and Food Centre of Verona.
Daily selection of top-quality fruits and vegetables stored in cold room to preserve their flavour, freshness and nutritional properties.
Selected fruit: Nectarines, Clementines, Oranges, Mango, Persimmons.
Selected veg: Celery, Broccoli, Catalunia chicory, Courgettes, Peppers, Tomatoes (vine, plum, cherry, Piccadilly), Artichokes, Cauliflowers, green head Cabbages, early Potatoes, Onions (white, yellow, red, coppery, Tropea PGI).
From April to OctoberOrange Moro
January - FebruaryOrange Tarocco
From November to AprilAvocado
All yearPersimon
January - FebruaryCherry
From April to AugustClementine
From September to MayStrawberry
From November to JuneLemon
All yearMango
From September to MayPeach
From April to OctoberPeach Noci
From April to OctoberPrune
From May to OctoberZucchini
Every mounth of the yearCelery
From January to May, November and DecemberbrePixel Tomato
Every mounth of the yearMarinda Tomato
Every mounth of the yearGrappolo Tomato
Every mounth of the yearDatterino Tomato
Every mounth of the yearCiliegino Tomato
Every mounth of the yearPepper
Every mounth of the yearNovelle Potato
From March to JulyOnion
Every mounth of the yearRed Onion of Tropea PGI
From May to SemptemberCucumbers
Every mounth of the yearPointed Cabbage
From January to April and DecemberRomanesco Cauliflower
From January to May, November and DecemberCauliflower
From January to May, November and DecemberSmooth Catalonia
From January to May, November and DecemberCatalonia Cimata
From January to May, November and DecemberCarrot
Every mounth of the yearArtichokes
From January to April, November and DecemberApulian broccolo
From January to May, November and DecemberApricot
From April to OctoberOrange Moro
January - FebruaryOrange Tarocco
From January to April, November and DecemberAvocado
Every mounth of the yearPersimon
January - FebruaryCherry
From April to AugustClementine
From January to May and from September to DecemberStrawberry
From January to June, November and DecemberLemon
Every mounth of the yearMango
From January to May and from September to DecemberPeach
From April to OctoberPeach Noci
From April to OctoberPrune
From May to OctoberZucchini
Every mounth of the yearCelery
From January to May, November and DecemberbrePixel Tomato
Every mounth of the yearMarinda Tomato
Every mounth of the yearGrappolo Tomato
Every mounth of the yearDatterino Tomato
Every mounth of the yearCiliegino Tomato
Every mounth of the yearPepper
Every mounth of the yearNovelle Potato
From March to JulyOnion
Every mounth of the yearRed Onion of Tropea PGI
From May to SemptemberCucumbers
Every mounth of the yearPointed Cabbage
From January to April and DecemberRomanesco Cauliflower
From January to May, November and DecemberCauliflower
From January to May, November and DecemberSmooth Catalonia
From January to May, November and DecemberCatalonia Cimata
From January to May, November and DecemberCarrot
Every mounth of the yearArtichokes
From January to April, November and DecemberApulian broccolo
From January to May, November and DecemberKEEP IN TOUCH
We are here to help you
Via Sommacampagna 63 D/E c/o VERONAMERCATO 37137 Verona
Fax 045/8646906